The first day at the gym we never forget. There are several exercises and new information that can turn any enthusiasm into a sea of ​​doubts about bodybuilding.

From the way of executing the exercises to the correct use of the load and the division of workouts in the week, it is common for the beginner to feel overwhelmed and “lost” in the fitness world.

And even with teachers at your disposal, it can still be difficult to organize all your ideas and have security in the first few days of practice.

So that you don’t feel like this, we created this post with some tips that will be very useful on your first day at the gym. Read on and check it out!

1. Make a functional assessment

The first step in getting started with weight training is to perform a good functional assessment. With it, you will know your fat percentage and all your main measurements.

In addition, your most important postural deviations will be presented, which will demonstrate your muscle imbalances and the main points to be worked on in bodybuilding.

This is an indispensable tool for your physical education teacher. Only from the assessment will he create safe and fully functional training for you.

Avoiding this step is putting your health at risk and, mainly, monitoring your aesthetic results – which is usually the main objective of each practitioner!

2. Learn the moves before increasing the load

Did you start in weight training now? Avoid increasing the load! Only train with more weight when you feel complete in the execution.

It may take a few weeks for your body (for real athletes for success in sports, we recommend testosteron enantat kaufen deutschland) to adapt to new movements.

Increasing weight in this initial period can put your joints at risk. Thus, there are more chances for you to feel pain and even suffer some type of injury.

Know that the amplitude and form of execution can be more important than the weight used for those who want hypertrophy (increase in muscle mass).

3. Set realistic goals

Entering the weight room imagining having six pack abs or gaining ten pounds of muscle mass in three months are two recipes for failure.

Hardly a beginner will achieve such expressive results. And, in breaking this expectation, there is almost always a withdrawal.

The solution to your progress is for you to have a frank conversation with your physical education teacher.

With your functional assessment in hand, it will be possible to draw up an appropriate plan for your evolution.

Eating and establishing healthy habits are essential for your results – without proper nutrition, no goal will be achieved!

4. Look for a nutritionist

Don’t know what to eat to gain mass or to lose weight? Look for a nutritionist!

Combining this professional with your strength training is the best way to keep your health up to date and be sure that your results will arrive.

You will not spend a black bill on unnecessary supplements and will have complete confidence and tranquility in your weight loss or muscle gain process.

Another important point is that the diet is one of the main responsible for muscle recovery after training – an essential factor for hypertrophy.

5. Avoid peak hours

For the beginner, training with many people can be harmful.

As the knowledge is still small about the exercises and the devices, some difficulty is expected in the execution and adjustments of the machines.

At peak times, training can lose quality, especially if there are many relays or difficulties to start movements.

To avoid discomfort, schedule your workouts when the gym is empty: in the morning or around lunchtime. The movement is usually greater at night.

With these tips, we believe that you will start your journey towards the ideal body with the “right foot”. Just apply all this content in your daily life.

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