
Does training at home pay off?

It is nothing new for anyone that to have results in a training program it is necessary to invest in the tripod: food, sleep and training. For home training, this tripod is the same. Combining these factors, willpower is enough and, most importantly: instruction from qualified professionals. At the beginning of the quarantine, there were


Is late dinner bad?

Many people think that late dinner is bad or fattening. Therefore, many times in the weight loss process people skip this meal. They think that late dinner puts on weight because their metabolism slows down at night, causing the calories they eat to be stored as fat. But is this really true? Keep reading the

Healthy Eating

Thermogenic supplements: what are they and how do they work?

If you are into the fitness world, you have certainly heard of thermogenic supplements, haven’t you? This type of compound is widely used to improve the performance of athletes and practitioners of physical activities. But do you really know what it’s for? There are many doubts about the consumption of these products, especially with regard

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